Foundations Courses
Introduction to the Bible
English • Spanish • French
Provides participants with a thorough introduction to the nature, history, context, and content of the Bible.
Foundations Course Books #2
Spiritual Formation
English • Spanish • French
Explores biblical principles and practices that a re essential for personal spiritual growth and maturity, including many of the classic Christian spiritual disciplines.
Foundations Course Books #3
History of Christianity
English • Spanish • French
Provides an overview of some of the major developments, significant movements, and important personalities in Christian history.
Foundations Course Books #4
COGOP Concise History
English • Spanish • French
Highlights historical events of the Church of God of Prophecy in a chronological framework; reviews those changes that the church has made in structure, philosophy, doctrine, and polity, and assesses the impact of leadership through the lens of the office of general overseer up to 2006. This course’s conclusion reflects on the impact of ecclesial divisions, the Church’s commitment to “Word and Spirit” (a bequest of our forefathers) and presents the Church as a worthy place of Christian life and service.
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