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The Minister and Practical Ministry

Course Overview

Overall Goals

In this course participants will develop a greater understanding of the tangible ways a minister may serve their congregation—preaching, teaching, planning worship services, celebrating sacraments, serving families, counseling, and developing ministries such as children, youth, and small groups. In every lesson there are opportunities  for participants to apply what they are learning to effectively minister to their congregations and communities.


The Role of a Pastor

This lesson examines pastoral responsibilities and the pastor’s role in developing applications that enable their fulfillment.

Preaching and Teaching to Bring Transformation

This lesson will help students prepare and present God’s Word as they respond to the work of the Holy Spirit in identifying and meeting the needs of their listeners. Special consideration is given to learning to build bridges to the Gospel, developing strategies to help the hearers identify with the “story” of Scripture, constructing transformative sermon outlines, and cooperating with the Holy Spirit in connecting and meeting the needs of their hearers.

The Congregational Worship Service

This lesson discusses the purpose and elements of a congregational worship service and equips ministers to organize and implement a transformative worship service that engages congregants.

A Pentecostal Theology and Practice of the Sacraments

This lesson gives participants a deeper understanding and appreciation of the sacraments in the life of the church. The Pentecostal distinctives related to the sacraments will be emphasized.

Serving Families in Times of Celebration and Crisis

This lesson will help equip participants by providing basic knowledge, as well as needed tools, in order to provide effective ministry to members of the congregation and community during celebrations and also provide compassionate ministry during times of crisis.

The Pastor and Biblical Counseling

This lesson enables students to understand the benefits of biblical counseling and prepares them to engage in responsible, essential counseling ministry.

Developing and Leading Small Group Ministry

This lesson equips students to develop small group ministry that promotes healthy spiritual growth in the local church.

Essential Elements of Effective Youth and Children’s Ministry

This lesson encourages students to recognize the significance of serving children and youth and provides instruction on what is required to implement and sustain effective youth and children’s ministry.

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Leadership Development and Discipleship
PO Box 2910 Cleveland TN 37320-2910

Phone: 423-559-5100